Monday, June 30, 2008

Midnight (more like 2:30 am) snack

These things are the bomb. I mean usually I justcan't get that into chips. But I'm definitely all into these. I think it is the sweetness and the texture. I heartily recommend them for your late night stash.

This Sabbath I think I rested a little too much. I took a nap in the afternoon. It was supposed to be a short one (an hour or less) but I guess I feel sort of the same way about the snooze button as I do about these chips: Once I start I just can't stop. So after my 2 and a half hour siesta I now (predictably) can't sleep tonight.

Chaplain Keith Knauf preached today. I really like Chaplain Knauf. He inspires me to be humble and cheerful thru trials.

Cool fact about Chaplain Knauf #1 He learned Greek from John Piper

Cool fact about Chaplain Knauf # 2 He preaches wearing a tie that is really not a tie.

I saw him take it off after service. There is really a strap that goes under his collar and holds it on. Very risky neck wear. At least it's not a clip on.

Oh and I really like his preaching too:

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