Sunday, July 13, 2008


dox·ol·o·gy: 1.a hymn or form of words containing an ascription of praise to God.

Pastor Knauf has encouraged people in the congregation to write their own doxologies.


Praise the Lord Jesus Christ

Whose lovingkindness is indescribably wonderful

Who came to give life to the world

Who offers an end to hunger and thirst

Himself the bread of life and the living water

To be bought without money and without price

Praise be to Him who laid the foundation of the earth

Who commands the morning, the storms and the sea

Yet who offers abiding love and fellowship

Who becomes a friend and enters a sinners heart

May the giver of all blessinsgs be praised by all the blessed forever and ever

On a similar note check out this video (which I've been unsucessfully trying to embed directly on the blog for like 30 minutes):