Saturday, March 1, 2008

Is Simon Smarter Than a Fifth Grader?

Hopefully we will find out sooner or later.
I'm currently working on becoming an elementary school teacher. I already have my Bachelor's degree. The following steps stand between myself and the classroom.

1. Qualify for and enroll in a Post Bachelorate teaching program at an inexpensive online out of state Universtiy (Almost done)

2. Pass the CSET (studying)

3. Pass the CBEST

4. Get Hired for an internship.

In an internship I would work full time as a teacher while still finishing my credential. Theoretically I could start teaching as early as this fall. That's what I'm working towards.
Becoming a teacher would make major changes in my life. Not the least of these changes would be that I would no longer have my current job as a security guard. I'm not sure if I can handle the shock. This job has been the one constant in my life for many years. There are very few things I've done in life as long as this job. When I started this job Bill Clinton was President. I've had this job through 3 Residences, 3 Churches and 3 cars. I may have to grieve.
BTW: I find that show "Are you Smarter than a 5th grader?" very entertaining. I was dissapointed though when I figured out the contestants don't actually compete against the 5th graders. Isn't that kind of implied?

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