My Wednesday started out a total drag. I hardly slept the night before. Exhausted I made it to work slightly late. My shirt was wrinkled and this was noticed by my superiors. It was a pretty unpleasant experience for me when others noted my faults and they were right about them, I had no one to blame but myself, and I was still half asleep. Due to my shabby appearance my duties for the day were relegated to a shack. But a shack can be a very nice place. In fact as soon as I found out about the move I took it as good news.
There is a lot less you have to deal with in a shack you know.
So there I was in the morning over 7 hours left of shack time ahead of me. I still wasn't feeling particularly "spiritual." That is when I remembered some of my own advice, "When we don't feel like a praying that is when we need to pray the most".
So I thanked my Lord, I confessed my sin, and I made my
Then I thought about worship. God is worthy of my worship in all circumstances,and often exalting the greatness of my God lifts my spirits.
So I looked to Psalms. I was thinking maybe my old fave 145 or something around those parts I settled on 143. I read it over a couple of times, said it
out loud, and kind of sang it. I was struck especially by Vs. 7-10:
7 Answer me quickly O LordIt is good for us to call out to God urgently. This prayer is recorded in God's word as an example for us. Although we must also have patience; this request is the righteous reaction when we find ourselves overwhelmed by dire straits. In fact this should be our first reaction instead of reacting in the flesh to cry out to God. In all our pain and confusion we are to cast ourselves upon our only hope i.e.
The mercy of our God.
My spirit fails!What is meant here by spirit? The spirit in this passage is that which gives us the ability to continue. It is our strength. It is our will. And at times it is entirely sapped. So we call out for God's quick action on our behalf. We are at the end of our own strength we need God's help.
This can apply either to our internal struggles with our own sins or an external struggle. In either case the source of our strength is one and the same God. Oh that we would be
conscious of our weakness more often and come to our rich King for help. What a God he is a God that doesn't take from his servants, but gives to them from his own strength.
Hide not your face from me, lest I be like those who go down to the pit.I hear in this line. Lord pay attention to me. Do not ignore me. Do not treat me like those whom you do not love. Turn your eyes upon my tribulation. Lord See and let me know you see. Lord care and act. Don't let me fall. Lord
redeem my life.
8 Let me here in the morning of your steadfast love, for in you I trust.The hearing here asked for is more than just physical hearing with the ear. It is more than the acknowledgement of a fact like The garbage truck comes on Wednesday mornings and God loves steadfastly. No this is the hearing only those whose spiritual ears have been opened can
possess. This is
similar to God's face turning to us. It is an intimate knowledge. It is a knowledge with an emotion of contentment. It is the assurance and reassurance of my Lord's love for me. It is ancient news that is new every morning (Lam 3:22). A comfort in the midst of trials and
inconsistencies. I fail. I have wrong motives. I'm irresponsible. I'm proud. I'm critical. I love but not enough. I pray but not enough. I try bu not enough. Yet my Lord loves me . This is a comfort that only those who truly call upon God and trust him can know. That is why it says, "for in you I trust". This is a fountain for the
friends of God. I trust him. I surrender my life to him. My future is uncertain, but it belongs to God, and I believe he will care for it. I desire to hear of God's Love because my hope is set in him and not in another.
Make me know the way I should go,What a prayer of humility this is. I don't
know which way I should go. I ware myself out trying to find it. Make me know they way. Lord I am the sheep and you are the shepherd.
for to you I lift up my soul.To you in worship as an offering, and in surrender I give my whole self. In affection I lift myself to approach and adore you.
9 Deliver me from my enemies, O Lord! I have fled to you for refuge!Tee opposition is to great for me. The people, circumstances or thoughts that would do me ill are to great for me to stand. I have come to hide in you O Lord for cover, safety, and deliverance.
10 Teach me to do your will for you are my God! Let your good Spirit lead me on level ground!It is interesting to note that David wrote this Psalm. I suppose it must have been written in a time of real literal violence. Perhaps when he fled from Saul or Absalom. Yet in the midst of this conflict what does he ask for
specifically? He asks for teaching. He asks for leading. How precious is wisdom. It is more valuable than money, horses, chariots, or weapons. To make the right decision is what is of the most value. In all of our circumstances we may see our physical needs, but what we need first is wisdom the wisdom from above. This requires God's good Spirit or the Holy Spirit. We need him to empower us and to guide us. We must set our minds on the things of the Spirit. And we seek from the Lord to set us on the level ground. The straight and narrow path. We desire straight paths for our feet, so that what is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed. We want to be able to march on to the goal, and for our journey to end in victory.
Our hope is in the Lord. My Wednesday improved.